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הרצאה: כלל היסוד של הפסיכואנליזה | ליאונרדו רודריגז
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עדכון תאריך: ההרצאה תתקיים ב-19 בפברואר 2022 ב- 10:00 בבוקר בזום

פורום לאקאן תל-אביב מתכבד לארח את


ליאונרדו רודריגז

פסיכואנליטיקאי AME חבר פורום מלבורן באוסטרליה, להרצאה באנגלית בנושא:

כלל היסוד של הפסיכואנליזה

רודריגז הוא ממיסדי פורום מלבורן, ממייסדי המרכז האוסטרלי לפסיכואנליזה, אנליטיקאי חבר ב Ecole של השדה הלאקאניאני הבינלאומי, מרכז תוכנית מאסטר בפסיכואנליזה באוניברסיטת ויקטוריה, בעבר מרצה בכיר באוניברסיטת מונאש, בין ספריו "פסיכואנליזה עם ילדים -מ היסטוריה, תיאוריה ופרקטיקה".

מתדיינים: אלון יפה ויהודה ישראלי


ההרצאה תתקיים ב-19 בפברואר 2022 ב- 10:00 בבוקר בזום

קישור יישלח לנרשמים באיוונטבאז


The fundamental rule of psychoanalysis

Seminar organized by the Forum of Tel Aviv


12 February 2022

Time zones:
Tel-Aviv 10:00,  Melbourne 19:00,  Aukland 21:00, London 8:00, Denver 1:00, Washington DC 3:00, Warsaw 9:00

Leonardo S. Rodríguez, AME, Forum of Melbourne,

School of Psychoanalysis of the Forums of the Lacanian Field

Discussants: Alon Yaffe and Yehuda Israely

Forum Tel-Aviv members

The fundamental rule of psychoanalysis – as Freud called it – and the method of free association that qualifies its implementation are now over one hundred and thirty years old. Over this period thousands of articles and books have been published on psychoanalytic research and conceptual matters arising by our clinical praxis. They include the most diverse views on what psychoanalysis is about and different interpretations of our aims and instruments that have led to schisms and the creation of a plurality of schools, associations and other psychoanalytic institutions. Yet the fundamental rule, as Freud enunciated it, has remained unchanged throughout these historical vicissitudes and has been adopted by virtually all who call themselves psychoanalysts – although certainly there has also been a plurality of divergent interpretations of its rationale and its intended effects. Correlatively, the conceptual basis for the method ironically called of ‘free association’ has also been altered.Jacques Lacan left for us essential points of reference to study the ethical, clinical and theoretical foundations and consequences of the rule: the unique structure of the analyst’s discourse, the attributes of the speaking subject, lalangue and the other moments of convergence between jouissance and language, the specific material conditions that inform the psychoanalytic interpretation – plus a few other questions that attract renewed interest in psychoanalytic research.Within the spirit of a line of work that is in progress, we shall address questions derived from our practice and inspired by the fertility of the Freudian rule.

Selected references

[Albert, A.] Le plaisir et la règle fondamentale. In Scilicet 6/7, pp. 67-80. [See in freud2lacan.com: Intervention by Jacques Lacan following the presentation by André Albert, in bilingual version.]

Freud, S. (with Breuer, J.) (1895d) Studies on Hysteria. Standard Edition 2. [Case Histories (2) Frau Emmy von N.]

Freud, S. (1913c) On Beginning the Treatment. Standard Edition, 12.

Lacan, J. (2001 [1973]) L’étourdit. In Autres écrits. Paris, Seuil. [Unpublished English translation available in lacaninireland.com]

Lacan, J. (2006 [1961]) The Direction of the Treatment and the Principles of its Power. In Écrits, New York and London, Norton.

Leonardo S. Rodríguez, PhD, is a psychoanalyst, founding member and Analyst Member of the School of Psychoanalysis of the Forums of the Lacanian Field; member of the Forum of Melbourne; founding member of the Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis; former Coordinator of the Master of psychoanalysis course, Victoria University; former Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychiatry, Monash University; author of Psychoanalysis with Children: History, Theory and Practice London & New York, Free Association Books, 1999) and numerous book chapters and articles on psychoanalytic theory and practice in several languages.